Because I'm not required to serve large caseloads of people, like public services, each client has my full and complete attention. That means I spend time thinking about you and working directly with you to tailor solutions that are a perfect fit for your needs and personality.
Examples of activities that we have helped clients to initiate include:
- Initiating and completing academic degrees or certificates.
- Obtaining paid employment positions.
- Leading their IEP/transition planning team meetings in high school.
- Cooking meals for family and friends.
- Successfully living independently of parents or guardians.
- Managing personal finances and budgets.
- Safely staying at home independently for short or long periods of time.
- Participating in creative arts activities at home and in the community.
- Locating and accessing quality doctors, mental health care providers, and academic tutors.
- Developing friendships and having fun activities to do with others.
- Engaging in volunteer roles that are meaningful and enjoyable.
- Participating in great group activities such as meetup groups or summer camp.
I will always be respectful of your needs, and will help you make decisions and select strategies to move things forward.